Last weekend was spent celebrating my birthday, so I spent the weekend with my mom and aunt up in Sausalito and the Marin Headlands. On Saturday night, we hiked up to the lookout point to see the moon over the city. It was so, so cold and windy, but so beautiful.
The rest of the weekend was also restful and beautiful, though Sunday was more foggy and still cold. We sat on the beach and drank beers and enjoyed the sound of the waves.
I came away from the weekend feeling relaxed (though the stress started to reassert itself on the drive home).
As you may have noticed (or not), I didn’t post a weekly update this week. This is because I didn’t get much done with all the hanging out and relaxing and stuff that I’ve been doing, so the to-do list has not changed, except that I need to get through Chapter Four now.
It’s going to be warm this weekend and there’s more lazy days by the pool to be had, so we’ll see if I get anything else done.