National Poetry Month is just around the corner and that means it’s time for the Big Poetry Giveaway! I’m honored to be taking over the reigns from Kelli Russel Agodon.
How do you participate? It’s simple:
— Anyone with a blog can give away two books of poetry.
— Anyone can enter any or all of the giveaways.
How to Participate
The Big Poetry Giveaway has officially started and will run through April 30, 2018. If you would like to participate in giving away some poetry, then you need to do the following by Thursday, April 5th (deadline extended to April 15th):
1. Create a blog post that uses the header image above (so that we know who is participating), in which you announce which two books you will be giving away. You may choose to include a little note about yourself.
Include a link back to this post so that others can easily find these guidelines and have the option to participate.
Make sure that your comments are open, so that people can enter to win.
(You can see an example at my giveaway post.)
2. Once your blog post is live, comment here with:
A) The name of your blog
B) Your name
C) A direct link to your blog post
I will keep a running list of participants, updated every couple of days until I close entries on April 5th.
3. During the week of May 1st, select two winners at random. You can put the names in a hat or use this handy random number generator.
Please note that by participating in Big Poetry Giveaway, you agree to send two books to anywhere in the world. You pay for postage. The winner does not.
1. Can I give away my own poetry?  Yes. But please make sure that one of the books is by another poet. The idea is to share books by poets we love.
2 . What if I don’t have a book of my own? Can I still participate? Yes! Just give away two collections by poets you love.
3. Can I give away more than two books? Certainly!
4. Do chapbooks count as books? Yes!
5. Do the books I give away have to be new? Nope. Gentle used books in good condition are fine.
6. I don’t want to pay for postage if someone wins. Can I still participate? No. By hosting a giveaway as part of the Big Poetry Giveaway, you are agreeing to pay for the postage required to ship the book to anywhere in the world. If you are unable to do so, then please don’t participate.
7. Can I enter the drawing if I don’t participate in the giveaway? Yes. The drawings are open to anyone.
8. Can I enter the drawings if I am a blogger giving away two books? Yes. As noted, the drawings are open to anyone.
9. How will I know if I’ve won? The blogger running the giveaway you signed up for will be responsible for contacting you if you win.
10. What are the exact dates of the giveaway? The giveaway begins immediately and ends April 30th, 2015 at midnight (PST or Hawaii-time, not sooner).
The winners will be chosen the week of May 1st, depending on the blogger’s schedule.
Any questions, email me at andreablythe [at] hotmail [dot] com.