On Saturday, I attended the one year anniversary of the Burning Tale open mic, which was held in what is my new favorite venue, Studio Bongiorno. The studio features a fantastic mix of the beautiful and creep with assemblage art and random doll heads on shelves and a full size coffin in the courtyard.

The feature poet of the night was Abe Becker, who shared beautiful, raw, and funny words exploring the awkward land mines of human relationships. A number of other amazing readers also took the stage, and I was honored to have been able to read two of the poems from my current 30/30 challenge with a kind response from the audience.
I’ll definitely be returning to Studio Bongiorno for more Burning Tales and other events, as well as just to grab some great coffee.
What I’m Reading
A number of excellent poetry books — mostly a poem here and a poem there, jumping around as I post photos of the books I love. However, I did finish God Went to Beauty School by Cynthia Rylant, about which I posted a very short review.
What I’m Poeming
I’ve slowed down a bit on the 30/30 challenge. Although, I’ve mostly been able to keep up the pace, I fell slightly behind (just a day). The main problem is that the ideas are not as free flowing as they were at the start of the challenge — something I expected to happen. So, now I’m just trying to slam any words down at the wall, a dragging my feet through the sand level of momentum, which is sometimes kind of painful. I’m still going, though, and I intend to finish.
The poems I’ve completed this week (all will be taken down at the end of the month May):
- Jessica Rabbit – Our Lady of Illustrated Proportions
- Miss Piggy – Our Lady of Owning That Shit
- Carrie White – Our Lady of Frightful Youth
- Rogue – Our Lady of the Untouchable
- Sarah – Our Lady of Labyrinthine Ways
- Lara Croft – Our Lady of Exploration
- Baby – Our Lady of the Dance
Goal for the Week:
- Get those poems per day written and posted!
Linky Goodness
Some thoughts about Contemporary Innovators of the Short Story on Electric Literature.
And Gwendolyn Kiste presents my one of new favorite retelling of Snow White in “All the Red Apples Have Withered to Gray.â€