Monday Update

What’s been Accomplished

I have written, edited, and submitted a poem to the Bang Out Reading Series, which means I may or may not be participating in the even in August. Will let you know if I do.

I also managed to get some more work done on a couple of other poems, and have made tiny, itty-bitty baby steps toward continuing the short story that seems like it will never be done. I’ve also been periodically been adding some sketches alongside the words in my morning poetry journal.

My ass is sore. Seriously. Though I suppose that’s a sign that I’ve done something right, because it means that my workout went exceptionally well (or was perhaps slightly overdone) this weekend. On Saturday, I did lunges, squats, sit-ups, and push-ups, which was immediately followed by my 45 minute yoga routine, which was immediately followed by a 2 mile walk/run at the track. While I admit that I most probably over did it (I had a major headache Saturday night), I also know that my currently sore muscles are a contributing to my good mood this morning.

Relatedly, I’ve learned about a training program, called Couch to 5k, which is a plan for a beginner like me to get up to running 3 miles in two months. The plan will be slightly interrupted by my trip to Germany, which is now less than two months away (o_O). But I’m hoping I can pick up from there afterward, as I really, really would like to meet my long time goal of comfortably running a mile (let a lone three) and eventually running in some sort of marathon or race.

To Do in the Coming Week

– continue to make progress on the story (actually finishing = triple bonus points)
– write, edit and/or polish 1-2 of my current poems
— write a 500 word article to submit to Matador
– submit a set of poems or a short story for publication
– do 3 walking/running routines for Couch to 5k
— do 5-7 days of morning yoga
– post a youtube video
– art, doesn’t matter what, but something

[x-posted to my livejournal. If you feel inclined, you may comment either here or there.]

Yeah, I'm a reader

Since I’m not keeping up too steadily with my writing posts, I’m going to start posting some book related posts here, too. Maybe some reviews, maybe some things like this book meme, which a couple of people are doing over at the LibraryThing forums, and I thought I would post it here, too. Just for the hell of it.

Do you snack while you read? If so, favorite reading snack?
What ever is available really. Something salty usually, and easy to grab while keeping my eyes on the page, like pretzel sticks. If I were to go for something sweet, it would probably be peanut M&Ms.

What is your favorite drink while reading?
Water, since that’s my default drink. Though if I’m in the mood I’ll brew myself a cup of black tea with milk and sugar as a close second.

Do you tend to mark your books as you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you?
While it doesn’t horrify me, I don’t mark my books for a couple of reasons. First, because I’m often reading a library book, and I would never mark something up that doesn’t belong to me. Second, because I usually don’t think about it. I’ve always liked the idea of marking up books while you read though. It helps you to think critically about what your reading, and would be very helpful in writing book reviews later. I would have to learn to develop the habit though, and I just don’t think it’s going to happen (unless I started to get paid for writing book reviews).

How do you keep your place while reading a book? Bookmark? Dog-ear? Laying the book flat open?
I strive to use a book mark each time, but the real answer is all of the above. I like using real books marks, ones that look cool or were constructed by me, but I’ll use whatever’s lying around, from envelopes to payment slips. I only lay it flat open when I’m reading at lunch and want to just pause for a moment in reading to either grab my food or some other necessity. And I dog-ear only as a last resort when there are no other means of keeping my place in the book.

Fiction, Non-Fiction, or Both?
Both! More Fiction than Non-Fiction, but I always enjoy learning about something new or seeing something discussed from a new perspective, which is a really great thing about non-fiction.

Are you a person who tends to read to the end of a chapter, or can you stop anywhere?
My slightly OCD self definitely prefers to read to the end of a chapter, or at least a denoted section. If that’s not possible due to time (or that there are no chapters or sections), then I can stop in the middle, providing I at least get to the end of the paragraph, preferably the end of the last paragraph or the first paragraph on the page.

Are you a person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you?
Only on really rare circumstances. I have to hate, and I mean hate, the book, which doesn’t happen often. Crime and Punishment got close to being thrown, but is too much of a classic to disrespect. The novelization of the Stargate movie did get thrown (I still don’t know why I even bothered with it).

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away?
Rarely. I just assume I’ll figure it out from the context of the rest of the sentence.

What are you currently reading?

  • The Company of Heaven: Stories from Haiti by Mariléne Phipps-Kettlewell – Good, so far, though I’m not eagerly reading them. They seem more like portraits than stories.
  • The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan – Sequel to the zombie novel The Forest of Hands and Teeth, which I loved for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being that the word “zombie” was never actually used.
  • To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf – Just started to read the introduction, so not much to say yet.
  • The Gothic & Lolita Bible, Vol. 3 (U.S. version) – Japanese fashion and pop culture fun

What is the last book you bought?
I bought a stack of books when I last bought a book.

Are you a person that reads one book at a time, or can you read more than one?
As you can see from above, I have a habit of reading lots of books at a time. At least two, usually. Though if I’m feeling overwhelmed by life, the universe, and everything, I might revert to reading only one book.

Do you have a favorite time/place to read?

My favorite is reading late at night, laying down on the couch or in my new recliner. It feels like I’m skipping out of school or cheating or something if I read during the day – so I like to do that too! EDITED: Whoops! I copied this over from the other page, and so accidentally left one of the old answers in. My real answer: I read anywhere and everywhere. I always have a book with me. (My family mocks me for it.) I love finding a quiet nook to read in, though, especially if there’s a comfy chair that I can curl into.

Do you prefer series books or stand-alones?
I mostly reach for stand alones, as I’m not always willing to commit to a series. But from time to time, I’ll go for a series if it captures my fancy enough. I usually don’t read past five books or so, with the exception of Harry Potter and the Series of Unfortunate events, both of which had clear endings in sight.

Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over?
Neil Gaiman, being one of my favorite authors gets recommended the most. Lately I’ve recommended Eat, Pray, Love several times. It all depends what kind of book a person is looking for, really.

How do you organize your books? By genre, title, author’s last name, etc?
At home, it’s by genre (poetry, speculative fiction, nonfiction, etc) and then it’s by the size of the book and how it can best fit on the shelf so that all my books fit and the room doesn’t look cluttered. Really. My organizational skills pretty much break down at the book shelf level. I always have a vague idea of where a particular book might be, but it’s always did through the whole stack for it.

How about you guys? What are your answers?

[x-posted to my livejournal. If you feel inclined, you may comment here or there.]

Monday Update

I am not even going to bother with a round up since my productivity (or lack thereof), was pretty much pathetic. I am, however, going to set some Work Week Rules for myself. Numero Uno being Fallout 3 can only be played once one of the day’s tasks has been done, and then only for an hour. In fact any form of television-related entertainment can only occur after completing a task.

I have to comply by this because my semi-conscious decisions to simply veg instead of getting things done is kind of becoming a problem at this point.

I’m starting a free yoga class this week, so at least I’m guaranteed that amount of exercise, and I’ll still be keeping up with my morning yoga routines, as well.

To Do in the Coming Week
– continue to make progress on the story (actually finishing = triple bonus points)
– write, edit and/or polish 1-2 of my current poems
— write a 500 word article to submit to Matador
– submit a set of poems or a short story for publication
– do 2-3 walking/running routines
– post a youtube video
– art, doesn’t matter what, but something

[x-posted to my livejournal. If you wish to comment you may do so here or there.]

Monday Update

The big announcement for this week is that Bear Creek Haiku has selected three of my short-short poems for publication. I don’t have the dates, but at sometime in the next several to six months “Dear Tree”, “Shrodinger Haiku”, and “white cat in a windowsill”. Bear Creek is a great little publication with some rather nice short form work in it.

I meant to get my entire list done over the two week period since I last posted. Didn’t quite happen. I finished a new poem, kept up with my daily yoga and some of my morning poems, and got a few sketches completed in the notebook, too.

I really need to get more submissions out this week. I think that’s my main priority.

To Do in the Coming Week
– continue to make progress on the story (actually finishing = triple bonus points)
– write, edit and/or polish 2-3 of my current poems
– submit a set of poems or a short story for publication
– do 3-4 walking and/or running days
– post a youtube video
– art, doesn’t matter what, but something

[x-posted to my livejournal. you can comment here or there.]

there's no sting…. okay, maybe a little.

I have received a rejection on the four poems that I sent to The New Yorker. This was not a surprise really.

My immediate thought was, “Ah, well. C’est la vie.” I’m rather proud of the poems I sent in. I like them quite a lot, but that doesn’t mean their suited for that market. Besides, if nothing else, I’ve learned in the process of writing them, and maybe in a while I’ll have a new set of poems that will be even better. That’s what that writing process is all about.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a wee bit disappointed. But honestly, it was fun just sending something out to such a prestigious market, knowing that while it floated on the slush pile, I could hold on to that small spark of hope. 🙂

ETA: I forgot to mention that I already have another market lined up for these poems. So certainly, hope is alive an well.

[x-posted to my livejournal. you can comment here or there.]