1. I’ve received an acceptance for one of my poems. Will give you the when and where once the contract is signed, but in the meantime, yay!
2. I’ve also received a rejection for a very short story I submitted, but I don’t feel bad about this because: a) I generally don’t worry about that sort of thing, and b) see above.
3. I totally rocked my Minnie Mouse ears on my trip to Disneyland last weekend. We hit the theme parks hard over those two days (for example, on our last night there, we rushed through nine rides in two hours).
4. which I’m pretty sure contributed to my being sick all last week (that and the crazy work schedule I’ve been having lately).
5. The result of which is that I did not run last week (rest was needed), though I haven’t been sticking to my training schedule anyway.
6. My writing is going well, however, as evidenced by my multiple NaPoWriMo posts and the progress I’m making on “The Witch of the Little Wood.” I’m hoping to have the draft done by the middle of May at the latest.
alg posted a call for submissions for a Buffy verse anthology that I may have to write something for.
8. Another awesome market is looking for reprint submissions for an anthology of speculative feminist poetry. (I’ve submitted a poem thatmight work.)
9. During Easter, my mom pointed out that as soon she had grandkids, she would no longer making easter baskets for my siblings and I — not exactly good incentive for us to start breeding. 😉
10. I just like nice, round numbers.
[Cross-posted my my livejournal. If you feel inclined, you may comment either here or there.]